Avbebe streamwish Avbebe Please enable JavaScript.fp-color-play{opacity:0.65;}.controlbutton{fill:#fff;}play-sharp-fill Admin JavaScript warning:I’m sorry, your JavaScript appears to be broken. Please use “Check template” in plugin settings, read our troubleshooting guide, troubleshooting guide for programmers or order our pro support and we will get it fixed for you. Video Checker Admin: Checking the video file… Enter your comment Technical info Plugin version: [Eros] Sparkle ✨ streamwish [Eros] Sparkle ✨ [Eros] Sparkle ✨ 花火是米哈游製作的遊戲《崩壞:星穹鐵道》及其衍生作品的登場角色。「假面愚者」的成員之一,難以捉摸,不擇手段。危險的戲劇大師,沉迷於扮演,身懷千張假面,能化萬種面相。財富、地位、權力…於花火而言都不重要,能讓她出手的,唯有「樂趣」。 推薦 影片[(●´∀`)ノ♡]